It’s focused on information and thus tells us little about emotion and feelings.
They have a full view of whatever is in front of, behind, beside, above, or below them. A third person narrator can see past, present, and future they can also know whatever any character knows as well as how that character feels and thinks. When you read a passage written in third person, you experience a perspective that is all-seeing and all-knowing.Can be omniscient or limited omniscient.Third person PoV uses pronouns like she, he, it, them, and their and omits “I.” “When you fill out the form, use a #2 pencil” (instructions). You hear the sounds of leaves underfoot as you follow the path…. You breathe deeply and slowly as you listen to the forest sounds around you…. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. Writers may use second person when they want to talk directly to one reader, give instructions, or create a dreamy or meditative passage.It can also feel aggressive or accusatory. It can create a strange “dreamy” tone that may make the text feel strange. The weakness of second person is that it limits the audience by making it seem the narrator is talking to only one person.This is especially effective when they are giving instructions. The strength of second person is in a direct connection with narrator and reader when reading second person, you feel as if you’re having a conversation with the narrator.When you read a passage written in second person, it’s as if the writer is talking directly to you. Second person PoV uses pronouns like you, your, and yourself. We went out to the Cafe Napolitain to have an aperitif and watch the evening crowd on the Boulevard” (from Ernest Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises). I have a habit of imagining the conversations between my friends. Writers tend to use first person when they want to convey emotional intensity, as in a personal narrative, or when they want us to know the narrator intimately.The first person narrator’s knowledge of all the story’s events is limited. We also only see what that narrator sees we can’t see what else is going on around them or even around the next bend in the road.

We only know what the narrator knows we can’t get into the heads of other characters who are nearby. The weakness of first person is its lack of significant information.

The strength of first person is in the way it shares emotional intensity.You think what they think, see what they see, and know what they know. When you read a passage written in first person, it’s as if you’re inside that person’s head, seeing through their eyes.First person PoV uses pronouns like I, me, us, our, and we.